HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility and Rødovre Municipality have in converted Lørenskogvej into a residential access road with green climate adaptation elements. The renovations intent was to divert rain water away from the existing combined sewer network. The solutions help to assure a more efficient rainwater management in the area, which experienced sewer capacity problems in the past.
Redesign of a neighborhood access road
Quick Facts
Elements: 4m wide continuous green trench, infiltration in the trench, open rainwater gutters, delay, diversion, greened parking areas.
Project Partners: HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility and Rødovre Municipality.
The enw climate road
Lørenskogvej now has a 4 meter wide continuous green trench, which acts as an open basin and a rain garden. The purpose of the trench temporarily hold, purify and infiltrate surface water from the road. Some of the adjacent homes also discharge rain water from some of their roofs (max 30% of the overall surface) onto the road.
To ensure lower speeds, the road has been narrowed from 7.5m to 5.5m. The sidewalk on the west side of the road has been removed in order to make room for the green trench. The eastern sidewalk and the rest of the road are built with a slight slope towards the center of the road. Drain pipes below the trench ensure that the water level slowly sinks after a rain fall and that the trench never exceeds its capacity.
Ground water protection in focus
Lørenskogvej protects the groundwater as the municipality chose to use a road de-icing agent that is not based on traditional salt (NaCl).
Instead, CMA (CalciumMagnesiumAcetate) is used, which is an organic de-icing agent and therefore more groundwater friendly.
Project Partners
The redesign of Lørenskogvej was a joint project of HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility and Rødovre Municipality.