Private Gardens at Lindevang Street

Space for rainwater, perennials and grass

15 garden owners on Lindevang Road have chosen to establish rain gardens, which receive water from their own rooftops. The rain gutters were disconnected from the combined sewer system, in which they priviously discharged the roof’s runoff. When it rains, one can follow the path of the water through open gutters into ditches, rain gardens trenches and soakaways (dry wells). As a result, the houses at Lindevang Road  now contribute with much less water to combined sewer system.

The rainwater solutions in the gardens are a combination of rain gardens, soakaways (drywells) and differetn forms of lawn-covered trenches and ditches. All rooftop rainwater is managed locally via infiltration and evaporation.

The garden projects were realized in the period between autumn 2011 and autumn 2012.

Quick Facts

Adresse: Lindevang, 2660 Brøndby
Elementer: Regnbede, græslavninger, åbne render og faskiner
Afkobling: 100% afkobling til 5 års regn med overløb til græsplæner og vej
Dimension: 15 haver matrikler afkoblet, 2200 m2 tagflade afkoblet til 103 m3 i regnbede, græslavninger og faskiner
Medvirkende: Beboerne på Lindevang, HOFOR A/S, BIOFOS, Brøndby Kommune, Orbicon, Lars Voss, Per Aarsleff, Haveselskabet m.fl.

The intention behind the project

The intention of the project has been to relieve the common sewer system and minimize the risk of flooding by managing rainwater locally. In addition, the intention has been to develop and test elegant and effective local rainwater solutions in practice, and gain experience with everything from citizen dialogue over authority processing to the construction process. There has been a great focus on collaborating with the residents, in part to achieve personal solutions and in part, so that the residents can be ambassadors for local rainwater solutions.

Projektets forløb og finansiering

Projektet startede efter nedsivningstest i fem haver samt flere besigtigelser af de enkelte haver for at bestemme mulighederne for nedsivning. Besigtigelserne blev fuldt op af uforpligtende snakke med de enkelte beboere for at kortlægge beboernes ønsker for deres egne haver. For de haver, hvor beboerne ønskede det, og hvor etableringen var teknisk mulig, blev der ansøgt om de nødvendige nedsivningstilladelser og gravearbejdet blev indledt i efteråret 2011 og afsluttet i efteråret 2012. Projektet er delvist finansieret af tilbagebetaling af tilslutningsbidraget.

The project started with an infiltration test in five gardens as well as several inspections of the individual gardens to determine the possibilities for infiltration elements. During the inspections the project leaders also conducted interviews with the individual residents to map out the residents’ wishes for their own gardens.

In gardens, where the residents were willing to establish local infiltration solutions, and where it was technically possible, the necessary infiltration permits were applied for and the construction works were initiated. The individual projects were partly financed by a scheme, offered by the local water utility company. The scheme creates incentives for local rainwater management, by providing a grant, which is equivalent to the connection fee for newly built homes.

The rainwater management concept

The local solutions consist of individual elements, which are connected to each other in a chain like way. Rain gutters lead into transport gutters on the ground, which then connect to an infiltration element – for instance a rain garden or a soakaway (dry well). In case of heavy rain, additional capacity is provided by grass ditches, trenches or lowered plains, which only serve as backup systems during rare events with extreme amounts of rain. In situations where the space on the individual ground was insufficient, overflow canals to the street were established.

Project Partners

This project and the many sub-projects have been carried out as a collaboration between local homeowners and professionals from HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility, BIOFOS – Greater Copenhagen Wastewater, Brøndby Municipality, Orbicon, Lars Voss, Aarsleff and many others.


Project Locations

There are multiple project sites along Lindevang Street in Brøndby (Greater Copenhagen).

Similar Projects

The street itself (Lindevang) has also been subject to a climate adaptation project. Se below: