Kilden Culture Center

Room for rainwater, nature and the arts

The rainwater from parts of the existing roof, the sealed areas around the complex and the new roof has been disconnected from the sewer and is now handled and infiltrated locally in a chain of connected rain beds and grass ditches.

The renovation of the culture center’s outdoor areas was completed in the summer of 2012.

Quick Facts

Address: Nygårdsplads 31, 2605 Brøndby
Elements: Rain gardens, lawn covered ditches, open rain gutters and soakaways (dry wells)
Rainwater management: 100% of rain infiltrated up to a 5-year-event, additional capacity in the adjacent park.
Dimension: 2000 m2 roof area and space for 115 m3 in rain gardens and ditches.
Project Partners: HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility, BIOFOS – Greater Copenhagen Wastewater, Brøndby Municipality, Dines Jørgensen and Opland Landscape Architects.

Renovation and climate adaptation in one project

In connection with the expansion and renovation of the culture center, it was obvious to make a joint project between Brøndby Municipality and HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility, in order to relieve the sewer system and utilize the rainwater locally as a recreational green resource.

Local rainwater management

Throughout the year, visitors of the Kilden culture Center are greeted by a varied planting in the rain gardens around the complex. When it rains, the water will run visible in open rain gutters and fill a series of rain gardens, which will then turn into temporary wetlands. The rain gardens receive water from the roof top. When it rains heavily, the excess rain water will be discharged into a ditch in the adjacent park.

A diverse seclection of plants

The rain beds consist of grasses, shrubs and perennials that are on the one hand drought resistant and on the other hand also not harmed by temporary flooding.

The existing trees around the complex were preserved and integrated into the new rain gardens. The gardens bloom all year round: In spring time the flowers and  the bird cherry tree blossom. Iris blossoms in summer and forms decorative seed capsules in autumn. The flower bed near the park is planted with daisies.

Reliable flood protection

The individual gardens/basins in the frontside and backside of the building can handle normal rain fall. In case of extreme rain ( more rainfall than in a 5-year-event), the gardens will be filled up and there will be overflow via the open gutters into a ditch in the adjacent city park. In the very unlikely case that the ditch is filled beyond its capacity, the water will flood the parks green plain.

Project Partners

This project was a collaboration between HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility, BIOFOS – Greater Copenhagen Wastewater, Brøndby Municipality, Dines Jørgensen and Opland Landscape Architects.


Project Location