Brøndbyvester School's Green Schoolyard

Space for rainwater, teaching and playing

Small winding paths with varied planting and plenty of good hiding spots. A small hill to climb, which offers a great view over the small rainwater pond.

There are dry areas, wet areas, areas with shade and areas with sun. The school yard of Brøndbyvester School integrates many functions: rainwater management and outdoor teaching, and of course playing. When the school is closed, the green yard is open to everyone who comes by.

The school yard was established in the spring of 2012

Quick Facts

Address: Krogagervej 34, 2605 Brøndby
Elements: open trenches & gutters, open basin, and underground soakaway (dry well)
Decoupling: Partial decoupling/ system buffers up to a 5-year-event/ overflow to sewer
Dimension: 950 m2 roof area,  73 m3 basin capacity + trench and soakaway (dry well)
Partners: HOFOR A / S, BIOFOS, Brøndby Municipality, Orbicon, Wicotec, and Thing and Wainø

The Reasoning Behind the Project

The aim of the project is to relieve the sewer system by discharging and buffering some of the rainwater locally. At the same time, the schoolyard has been renovated with rainwater as a part of the recreational blue-green elements. The project has been developed and financed in collaboration between HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility and Brøndby Municipality.

Wet and dry / Sun and Shade

In the yard, there is a small rainwater basin, which maintains a low permanent water level. When it rains, water is led to the basin through open meandering gutters. The left-over soil, which was dug out to create the basin, has been recycled and now forms small hills. Most of the schoolyard is greened with a variety of different plants, adapted to the different areas: sunny, shady, wet and dry. Meadow mats have been planted in the pond and willow and dogwood bushes are planted in the ditch. Most existing trees could be preserved.

Schoolyard, park and climate adaptation in the same place

During the day, the schoolyard is a playground and open air learning space. Outside the school’s opening hours, the green schoolyard is open and serves as a park. Passers-by can use the benches and grass hills for rest and relaxation. In this way, the schoolyard is used as a lush green recreational oasis with the rainwater as the combining element.

Plan B –  In the event of a heavy rainfall, the water from the basin runs in the ditch, from where some of the water will infiltrate in the soakaway (dry well). In the event of extreme rainfall, when all elements (basin, trenches and soakaway) are filled, the water flows into the existing combined sewer system. The system is designed to provide enough retentioncapacity for up to a 5-year-event.

Project Partners

The project was a collaboration between HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility, Brøndby Municipality, BIOFOS – Greater Copenhagen Wastewater, Orbicon, Wicotec, and the landscape arcitecture firm Thing og Wainø.


Project Location

Nearby locations

Nearby, you can also see a backyard that was climate adapted with “grey” elements and a rain garden at the After School Club’s school yard. Please find them below: